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Welcome to this blog

Most, if not all of the posts shown here are taken, extracted from or related to the research of the man with a name that is named Vic Beck. Thank you Hallow.

All new informations will be posted at a new blogsite:

NEW BLOGSITE: Restore The Kingdom Of God

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Givers conference call, Feb 26th, 2008


This is a recording of the Feb. 26th 2008 conference call.

Listen directly by pressing the play button
lenght: 01:31:23
(wait a few sec for the file to download)

or clic here (right-clic and save as..) to download and save the file to your computer

Freely given, freely received, copy and share freely - No right to reserve what belongs to All - 2008.

Love is the cure
Love is the drug
Love is GRAND
Love is LOVE

I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

Peace of "I"
